Owning a Protected Structure

Protected Structures and period homes help define Ireland’s special character. Protected structures are protected by law because they are of national importance and are often architecturally outstanding, historically significant or within an area of special conservation but there are other period properties in Ireland which also merit specialist treatment.  

Owning a Protected Structure or period home can be enormously rewarding but the responsibilities of looking after an historic building can also be daunting. If you already own or are thinking of buying one of Ireland’s many heritage homes it is important that you have the right Protected Structure Insurance in place so if the unthinkable does happen you and your home are properly covered.

Protected structures deserve to be maintained and repaired with the special care and attention of skilled conservation craftspeople.

How to buy the right insurance for your Protected Structure

Make sure you don’t under insure.

One of the main insurance considerations for owners of Protected Structures or period property in Ireland, is whether your policy will enable you to restore the building’s special character in the event of a catastrophic fire or flood or other sudden accidental or deliberate damage. Typically the rebuild value of a standard home is less than its market value but for Protected Structures the reverse is often true.

If you need to repair or restore a Protected Structure you are often obliged to use specialist materials and employ craftsmen and women to carry out the work. Although this approach ensures that your home’s character is preserved, repairs are often more expensive as a result. This means the re-build value must be calculated and reviewed regularly to make sure that the building is not under insured. If you haven’t insured your building correctly the insurer can reduce the cost of the claim and the money you receive may not cover the full cost of the work. You have a legal obligation to carry out work to restore and reinstate the character of the building but where there has been serious loss or damage, planning authorities are usually happy to work with you to devise the best way forward.

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Irish Heritage Insurance Services is a trading name of Castleacre Insurance (Ireland) Services Ltd registered in Ireland No 633539 at, Kilmokea, Great Island, Campile, New Ross, Co Wexford, Ireland Y34 TH58. Directors: Mark Hewlett, Guy Everington and Hugo Johnsen.

Irish Heritage Insurance Services is a trading name of Castleacre Insurance (Ireland) Services Ltd and is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.