€4.3 Million Available in Grants for Protected Structure Conservatiion
Posted 03/01/2019

Wicklow Council are one of many local authorities who are currently inviting grant applications for small scale Protected Structure conservation projects.
Grants through two central government schemes that recognise the value of historic buildings to Ireland's Cultural Heritage and Economy were announced by the Minister for Culture Heritage and Gaeltacht in November this year.
The two schemes, The Historic Structures Fund (HSF) and the Built Heritage Investment Scheme(BHIS), will together make than €4.3 million available to communities and individual owners of Protected Structures. County Wicklow estimate that they will have €60,000 to donate to successful applicants but stipulate that their must be a 5% match in private funding.
The closing deadline for applications in Wicklow is the 25 January 2019 but anyone interested in finding out more about the closing deadlines in their area can contact their local Architectural Conservation Officer or obtain further information from the government website